This is the third dead bird I have found at exactly the same glass barrier, usually early in the morning. The glass barrier is next to a park with trees, which attract the birds. Likely many more birds die from collision here, they get picked up and taken away soon afterwards, so the evidence is removed.
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날씨맑음 | 기온 7.3℃ | 강수량 0mm | 습도 71% | 풍속 5.4m/s
관찰시각2021년 4월 18일 오전 6시
분류체계동물계 Animalia > 척삭동물문 Chordata > 조강 Aves > 참새목 Passeriformes > 지빠귀과 Turdidae > 지빠귀속 Turdus
관심대상(LC) IUCN적색목록3.1(2018), 기후변화 생물지표